Dental Anxiety Investigation In A University Oral Health Center


Dental Anxiety Investigation In A University Oral Health Center



The purpose of this study was to investigate dental anxiety in a university setting, specifically the University of New England Oral Health Center. Surveys were used to gauge patient anxiety, determine the sources of their anxiety, and propose further approaches to reduce patient anxiety. This project assessed dental anxiety in 28 adult patients using the modified Norman Corah's Dental Questionnaire, and calculated the prevalence of dental anxiety in OHC patient population. Our results indicate that in general female patients demonstrate higher dental anxiety than male population. The two dental procedures related to high percentage of moderate & high stress levels are “injection” and “impression”. UNE CDM student doctors demonstrate good communication skills to manage patients with dental anxiety. In addition, socioeconomical factors play an essential role in patients’ stress level.

Publication Date



Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Higher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Authors Hines, Yoo, Knarr, Roenitz, Barrett, and Guy were UNE College of Dental Medicine students at time of publication.

Author Kang is a UNE College of Dental Medicine faculty member.

Dental Anxiety Investigation In A University Oral Health Center
