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Poster describing project collaboration among University of New England (UNE) librarians and College of Osteopathic Medicine (COM) faculty, whose goal was to adopt technology which will teach UNECOM students to be empathic with older adults and familiarize medical students with information resources from the NIH/NLM related to older adult health. Technology tested was the Alfred Lab developed by Embodied Labs. First year medical students were required to complete the ‘We Are Alfred’ virtual reality module and a pre and post assessment. Descriptive statistics were applied to finite questions on pre and post assessments, and content analysis on open ended answers. Virtual reality was deemed a successful medical education learning tool enhancing empathy for these medical students.
Publication Date
Educational Methods | Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces | Higher Education | Library and Information Science | Medical Education
Related Materials
View the associated list of resources: Older Adult Health: National Library Of Medicine Resources For Health Care Providers And For Patients And Families.
View the NN/LM video describing the associated project: Funded Partner Spotlight | We Are Alfred.
Preferred Citation
Swartzlander, Barbara; Dyer, Elizabeth; and Gugliucci, Marilyn R., "We Are Alfred: Empathy Learned Through A Medical Education Virtual Reality Project" (2017). Library Services Faculty Posters. 2.
Included in
Educational Methods Commons, Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces Commons, Higher Education Commons, Library and Information Science Commons, Medical Education Commons
Poster originally presented at First Annual UMass Center for mHealth and Social Media Conference, May 18, 2017, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA.