Much More Than Just An Interview

John Redwanski, University of New England
Gayle A. Brazeau, University of New England

Article published in 2012 in American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education:

John Redwanski and Gayle A. Brazeau (2012). Much More Than Just an Interview. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 76, Issue 2, Article 18. doi: 10.5688/ajpe76218

© American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education; included with permission of the editor.


All of us have experienced the face-to-face interview process at some point in our lives. Each year, pharmacy graduates take part in this endeavor as they seek practice positions, residencies, and fellowships. However, today’s graduates will find a different job market than in past years. Interview skills are more critical than ever for pharmacy graduates interviewing with prospective employers. The standard pharmacy curriculum does not include “interview skills” but the question remains: what responsibility do pharmacy programs have to teach future graduates successful interview skills that can be used throughout their professional career?