Date of Award



© 2017 Robert Weigand

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Carol Burbank

Second Advisor

Shelley McClure

Third Advisor

Jill Stoltzfus


An extensive literature review identified emotional intelligence and metacognition had not been examined in medical education as integrated concepts in the reflective practice of medical residents. Continued research into the independent application of these concepts in medical education maintains a perspective that has permeated medical literature for 20 years. Research into emotional intelligence and metacognitive functioning and its’ influence on reflective practice in medical education acknowledges the need for more taxonomies of knowledge and skills. A quantitative correlational study was conducted utilizing Family Practice residents. Three valid and reliable assessment tools identified as the MSCEIT, MAI and Groningen were used in this study to determine emotional intelligence, metacognitive ability and reflective ability in Family Practice residents. Findings did not refute the null hypothesis identified as no statistical relationship exists between emotional intelligence and metacognition. Scores between males and females in emotional intelligence appeared descriptively different but not statistically significant. Emotional intelligence and metacognition did not predict strength in reflective ability based on residency year. Descriptive findings indicated female residents scored higher in perceiving emotions while male residents scored higher in thinking about their feelings. Female Family Practice residents scored higher than male Family Practice residents in metacognition each residency year. Females also scored higher than males in reflective practice in each of the three residency years. The small sample size in this study was an acknowledged limitation. Additional qualitative and quantitative research needs to be conducted to learn more about the integration of these three concepts in medical education.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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