Author Guidelines | Zephyr: University of New England's Journal of Creative Expression | Student Works | University of New England

Submission Guidelines for Zephyr

Thank you for your interest in submitting your work to Zephyr, the University of New England's journal of creative expression.

To submit your work to Zephyr, you must be related to the University in one of the following ways:  Student of UNE, Current or former employee of UNE, Current or former UNE Trustee, Alumna/alumnus of UNE, Immediate relative of a UNE community member.

Submissions must be received by February 14 to be considered for each year's Spring issue.

Submission Parameters

The limit for submission is 10 pieces of work per individual – no more than 6 poems, no more than 3 short stories/prose, no more than 10 photos and/or drawings. You must submit each work individually to Zephyr for consideration. Any submissions received after the submission deadline will not be read.

Written Submissions (Poetry, Short Stories, Prose)

No more than 5 pages in length per submission, single spaced, size 11 Times New Roman font, standard margins.

Indent and space between all new paragraphs for longer submissions.

Right, center, or left alignment for poems acceptable.

For poems designed with many different fonts or alternative spacings, upon acceptance for publication authors will need to revise their submission with a PDF file to ensure use of correct fonts and spacings.

Visual Submissions (Photos, 2D Artwork)

May be submitted in color or grayscale, but must have a dpi greater than 600. 1600 x 1200 pixels, 2500 x 2000 preferred. Please avoid use of PDF format for visual submissions.

File Name: Zephyr submissions are blind-reviewed after submission, but uploaded files should be named in the following manner to facilitate the submission process: CreatorName_TitleOfWork (e.g. SamanthaBAuthor_PalmTreesAndBeach). Please ensure the Creator Name is formatted as wished for publication (e.g. Christopher Q. Author, who doesn’t use his middle initial when publishing, submits a file named ChrisAuthor_TreesInWinter).


May I submit more than one piece?
Yes. You may submit a maximum of ten works for consideration each year.

Who owns my poem/drawing/photograph if it is accepted for publication in Zephyr ?
You do. We simply reserve the right to use published pieces in promotion of the journal.

I do not attend or work at the University of New England. May I still submit work?
If you are a member of the immediate family of a person who attends or works at UNE, your work is eligible for submission. We also encourage Westbrook College/University of New England alumni to submit.

Are back issues of Zephyr available for purchase?
Back issues of Zephyr can be viewed on DUNE: DigitalUNE. Print copies of select recent issues are also available. You may purchase copies by contacting Dr. Susan McHugh at If your work is accepted for publication, you will receive a complimentary copy of the journal in which your work is published and will receive a discounted purchase price for subsequent copies.

Will my written work be subject to editorial changes if accepted for publication?
We do our utmost to respect your rights as author, so that your work appears in its original form; however, we routinely make grammatical/punctuation corrections to final copy.

Do you accept only poetry and short fiction?
No, we happily consider alternative forms of written expression, including, for example, brief essays, literary critiques and song lyrics.

Are there page limitations?
Currently, there is a five page limitation per individual submission.The recommended sizes of drawings and photographs are described above.

What's the process for submission?

1. Log in to your DUNE: DigitalUNE account, or create one if you don't yet have one. (Note: DUNE is not currently synced with UNE's single sign-on credentials.)

2. Read and agree to the Zephyr permission statement.

3. Fill in author, contact, and descriptive information for your submission.

4. Upload the submission file.

5. Submit.

How to Submit to Zephyr

1. Make sure your submission is in an acceptable format. We can accept papers in Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), or Adobe Acrobat (PDF), and images in TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, or GIF format.

2. Have ready a title and creation date for your work, along with any notes regarding the work you might like to convey to Zephyr staff. Please also have ready your preferred contact information.

3. Submit your work by clicking on the Submit button on the left side of the Zephyr page. If you have not yet created a free DUNE account, please do so at the prompt (this account is solely for the purposes of managing your submission, including allowing us to contact you regarding your submission). You will need to verify your new account via email when you register.

4. Once you are logged in to DUNE, you must read and agree to the Zephyr permission statement by clicking through. You will then be prompted to enter information about your work into a submission form. Please remember to upload your submission file at the end of the form before clicking the SUBMIT button. YOU MUST WAIT UNTIL YOUR FILE HAS UPLOADED FULLY AND A CONFIRMATION PAGE SHOWS ON SCREEN.

5. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission. The confirmation email will detail the rest of the Zephyr submission process (including the review process and timelines).