Interprofessional Collaborative Approach To Treating An Underserved Patient Through Telemedicine



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Presentation discussing the following: An interprofessional approach to patient care improves patient outcomes and the overall success of patient visits. When assessing and treating an underprivileged individual via telehealth, an interprofessional team approach was taken utilizing students from social work, OT, DO, pharmacy, dental, and PA programs. The team met with the patient in two, twenty-minute sessions per appointment that allowed for a ten-minute team debrief in the middle. This allowed the team to redirect their questioning based on the initial session’s progress. Working as a team allowed team members to observe the patient and their actions within their chosen environment even while others were asking questions and gathering information. This collaborative team work allowed employing a holistic approach towards problem solving and provision of medical education along with resources to improve the overall healthcare outcome and meet specific goals. It also allowed building a strong rapport with the patient which can be difficult to do, especially over telehealth.

Publication Date



Interprofessional Education


© 2021 The Authors


The authors were UNE students in the following programs when this research was conducted: Brousseau, Physician Assistant; George, Social Work; Lakhani, Dental Medicine; Manuels, Pharmacy.

Interprofessional Collaborative Approach To Treating An Underserved Patient Through Telemedicine
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