"Students on Jungle Gym, Crescent Beach, Westbrook Junior College, 1968"


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During the first week of college in September 1968, a holiday was declared and about 500 students and faculty descended on Crescent Beach for fun at the beach and park. The day has been referred to in the fall 1968 issue of Westbrook Junior College Alumni News, as "that day at the beach". In this photograph the students have taken over the jungle gym.

Hanging upside down is Carolyn Jones and from left, omitting the girl with her back to the camera, are Sheryl Nierenberg, Rachel Ladd, Nancy Styff, Beth Pinkham, Andrea Tyson, Ellen Sedgley and Elaine Baker (standing). At the top are Susan Rogers and Andrea Spellman.


Black and white photograph


Creation Date


Size of Original

10 inches x 8 1/16 inches


Carolyn Jones, Sheryl Nierenberg, Rachel Ladd, Nancy Styff, Beth Pinkham, Andrea Tyson, Ellen Sedgley, Elaine Baker, Susan Rogers, Andrea Spellman.

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Jungle gym, Crescent Beach, Westbrook Junior College



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