Mr. Ryan's Total Gastrectomy: A patient-centered framework.



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As a collaborative presentation created through the PHIT program, we developed a patient-centered framework for our fictional patient. Our patient, Mr. Ryan, is a half-Korean male and retired U.S. navy Chief Petty Officer, who recently underwent a total gastrectomy for gastric cancer. We created a patient-centered conceptual framework that organizes factors affecting our patients health, in order to better understand our patient's needs. This helped us identify potential causes and points for interventions. To develop this framework, we followed his diagnosis and went backwards to find potential causes. We kept asking "why" and continued until we could not find any more causes. With these key determinants identified we could develop this framework. We then used this framework to identify and develop possible interventions. We set priorities among these, as well as criteria and recommended specific interventions. Through implementing these and monitoring his progress with follow ups and contact with social workers, we expect his health to improve. This project was completed with collaboration among first, second, and fourth year medical students, along with a student in the MSAN program.

Publication Date

Fall 11-2023


Interprofessional Education


The authors were UNE students in the following programs when this research was conducted: Baracewicz, Osteopathic Medicine; Shannon, MSAN; Peck-Frame, Osteopathic Medicine; Santanello, Osteopathic Medicine.

Mr. Ryan's Total Gastrectomy: A patient-centered framework.
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