Navigating Mistrust Of The Healthcare System Through Interprofessional Collaboration



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Research poster describing the following: The mistrust of patients towards healthcare professionals most of the time is caused by past negative medical experiences. Also, the level of trust in the health care system varies with age, race, gender, geography, and socioeconomic status. Generally, low-income patients trust the healthcare system less than higher income patients; those who are less healthy trust it less than those in better health; racial and ethnic minorities are more concerned than the general population about racial inequities when they receive healthcare. For instance, the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment was conducted on African-American males between 1932-1972 by United States PHS and CDC. The study population was a group of nearly 400 African Americans with syphilis. The purpose of the study was to observe the effects of the disease when untreated, though by the end of the study it was entirely treatable. The men were intentionally not informed of the nature of the experiment, and more than 100 died as a result. Thus, this decline in trust endangers patient’s lives and well-being. Our research poster is designed to help healthcare professionals build trust with those that don’t trust the healthcare system and share our experience from our simulated live patient Amanda.

Publication Date



Interprofessional Education


© 2021 The Authors


The authors were UNE students in the following programs when this research was conducted: Buchanan, Occupational Therapy; Harville, Dental Medicine; Robinson, Physician Assistant.

Navigating Mistrust Of The Healthcare System Through Interprofessional Collaboration
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