Interprofessional Peer Leadership in Support of Teaching First Year Students



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The Westbrook College of Health Professions (WCHP) has recruited a highly motivated group of sophomore, junior, and senior students, from across the health professions majors, to serve as Peer Teachers for the IHS 130 Interprofessional First Year Experience course for first-year health professions students. Peer Teachers are responsible for attending their weekly course section to co-lead the class with the instructor.

As Lead Peer Teachers, Colleen Moody and Carolyn Nevin collaborate with Collyn Baeder each week to provide continuous support to the Peer Teachers. Weekly communication and monthly meetings from the Lead Peer Teachers serve as guidance for Peer Teacher leadership development, and in turn, supports the first year student’s adjustment to the first year of college. In addition, Lead Peer Teachers are working with faculty to revise the curriculum to enhance an interactive and engaging learning environment.

Publication Date



Interprofessional Education


© 2022 The Authors


Nevin, Applied Exercise Science; Moody, Medical Biology;

Interprofessional Peer Leadership in Support of Teaching First Year Students
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