LGBTQ Health: Effective Training for Interprofessional Emerging Health Professionals



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Studies find that cultural competency in healthcare practice with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) patients is significantly lacking across health professions’ curricula.1 LGBTQ patients are vulnerable to uninformed care as well as to biases and discrimination that, as a consequence, may result in healthcare avoidance and/or poor outcomes.2,3 Further, lack of knowledge regarding LGBTQ health contributes to practitioner discomfort and low confidence when addressing LGBTQ needs.1 The goals of this event was to raise awareness of distinctive features of LGBTQ health needs, identify biases and mitigate potential discrimination, and increase knowledge surrounding the health needs of our patients. The event presented both didactic content and interactive discussion using multimodal virtual technology to promote interprofessional collaboration among students while gaining increased understanding of culturally competent care for LGBTQ patients.

Publication Date

Spring 4-17-2022


Interprofessional Education


© 2022 The Authors


The authors were UNE students/Guest Lecturer in the following Programs when this research was conducted:

Tchokochoua1 Physician Assistant, McSweeney2 Social Work, Senneville3 Dr. Physician Assistant, Subaciute4 Osteopathic Medicine, Vaughan5 Osteopathic Medicine, MacDonald6 Social Work, Kelley7 Social Work.

LGBTQ Health: Effective Training for Interprofessional Emerging Health Professionals
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