"M.M.: Spinal Cord Injury Video" by Lindsay St. Louis, Kristen Brusky et al.


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Publication Date

Spring 2013


Video interviews of five chronic pain patients with differing conditions were completed; a man with chronic low back pain, a woman with fibromyalgia, a woman with rheumatoid arthritis, a man with musculoskeletal pain in addition to post-traumatic stress disorder, and a woman with a spinal cord injury. These interviews were used to make personal videos for each patient, which tell their story of chronic pain, and a longer 8-10 minute video that included all patients in addition to a young woman with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). They were also used to make interprofessional case reports of chronic pain with facilitator notes for each patient. All of the materials created (videos, case reports, and facilitator notes) were presented and used for educating health professional students at the 11th Annual UNE Interprofessional Education Spring Symposium: The Science of Pain and the Art of Healing.


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Video also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/F0UE75ECGZ8

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