Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
First Advisor
Audrey Rabas
Second Advisor
Laura Bertonazzi
The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine if the characteristics of burnout predict job satisfaction of behavior technicians in public schools. There was a need to examine if the high levels of burnout and low job satisfaction experienced by teachers and paraprofessionals that have resulted in high rates of attrition also impact behavior technicians in public school settings (Madigan & Kim, 2021; NCES, 2022; Sims, 2020; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2020). An online survey was created using REDCap consisting of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey (Maslach et al., 1996), the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire short form (Weiss et al., 19a 77), and a demographic questionnaire. Recruitment occurred via social media and 78 behavior technicians participated in the study. Using multiple linear regression, the first finding of this study expanded the literature by suggesting that the characteristics of burnout are significantly impacted by overall job satisfaction. The second finding of this study was that behavior technicians in public schools did not meet all the requirements of burnout. Although, the results of this study did align with the research on behavior technicians in private settings, which found that high levels of depersonalization were not expected (Novack & Dixon, 2019). The third finding of this study indicated that intrinsic satisfaction significantly impacted personal accomplishment. School districts can utilize this study’s findings and future research to increase job satisfaction and decrease burnout experienced by behavior technicians who play such a valuable role in schools.
Ed.D. Dissertation
Recommended Citation
Dougherty, Sara B., "Burnout And Job Satisfaction Of Behavior Technicians Working In Public Schools: A Quantitative Correlational Study" (2023). Doctor of Education Program Dissertations. 13.
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