"Faculty And Staff Perceptions Of Social Emotional Learning At The High" by Shari L. Jordan

Publication Date

Spring 2-27-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Aubrey Rabas

Second Advisor

Dr. Jennifer Scott

Third Advisor

Dr. Sherry Brown


This qualitative study examines the results of the CASEL School-based Staff Survey on SEL Implementation (2021) and interviews conducted at a small high school in Maine. Three teachers, three education technicians, and two support staff participated in this study. The purpose of this study was to explore public high school’s faculty and staff’s perceptions on social emotional learning (SEL) so there could be a better understanding of the challenges, resources, and supports that are needed for long-term integration. Three themes emerged from the data: building relationships with Students, SEL and future preparedness, and district-wide goals and capacity building. The first theme included the subtheme of integrated role modeling. The third theme included the subthemes: (a) Providing a curriculum, a common language, and congruency (b) staff engagement, and (c) professional development, (d) tangible resources, ongoing support, and built in time. Based on these findings three recommendations were made. First, district leaders need to decide what the SEL goals and expectations for the district should be and how it should be implemented at all levels for congruency and for staff engagement. Second, they need to provide more opportunities for SEL supports, resources, and training. Third, SEL skill development needs to be seen as a priority and be included in the current high school schedule. Recommendation for future studies include researching high schools from other districts to enhance transferability of the data collected and to provide more in depth findings. There is also a need to understand SEL from the perspective of high school students.


Ed.D. Dissertation



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