"Lived Experiences Of Primary And Secondary Teachers At One State-Appro" by Keumok Heo

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Gizelle Luevano

Second Advisor

Evelyn Thomas


The problem explored in this qualitative phenomenological study was the need to understand the lived experiences of primary and secondary teachers at one state-approved private special education school in Connecticut regarding disparities among racially and ethnically diverse students with emotional or learning disorders in special education (Cavendish et al., 2018; Jackson et al., 2016; Leung, 2021; Lhamon et al., 2019; Skrtic et al., 2021). The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of primary and secondary teachers at one state-approved private special education school in Connecticut regarding disparities among racially and ethnically diverse students with emotional or learning disorders in special education (Cavendish et al., 2018; Leung, 2021). Themes that emerged from the literature were equity requirements in the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (Individuals With Disabilities Education Act [IDEA], 2019), disparities among racially and ethnically diverse students with special needs, causes of disparities among racially and ethnically diverse students with special needs, and educational practices to support racially and ethnically diverse students with special needs. Data for this study were gathered from semi structured interviews from six participants who taught at Maplewood Academy (pseudonym). The findings of this study highlight the existence of disparities and emphasize the ongoing need for research to address the issue of inequities among racially and ethnically diverse students with emotional or learning disorders in special education. The lived experiences gained from this study can contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding disparities among students with emotional or learning disorders, prompting further exploration and potential interventions.


Ed.D. Dissertation

Included in

Education Commons



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