"Implicit Bias And Least Restrictive Environment: Perceptions Of Certif" by Christen Papallo

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Donavon P. Soumas

Second Advisor

Bryan Corbin


This narrative inquiry study explored the lived experiences of Connecticut’s certified educators related to implicit bias and student placement. The theory of intersectionality suggests that implicit bias is present within all individuals (Crenshaw, 2017). Thus, there is a natural propensity for implicit bias, specific to ability, among school personnel. The problem to be addressed is the need for a greater understanding of how the natural existence

of implicit bias among certified educators impacts their view of student capabilities and

achievement, thus impacting placement decisions in the classroom. Eight participants completed individual, semi-structured interviews, which were transcribed, re-storied and member checked. Data analysis was completed after the re-storied narratives were manually coded. Three themes emerged from the coded re-storied narratives: (a) challenges in creating an inclusive environment, (b) lack of guidance and training related to the least restrictive environment (LRE) and (c) lack of guidance and training related to implicit bias. Key findings in this study are connected to prior research studies, including a connection to the benefits of inclusion, a lack of skill set or support of from general and special education teachers and a lack of professional development related to least restrictive environment and/or implicit bias. Recommendations from this study include ongoing professional development related to the least restrictive environment and implicit bias, the implementation of common planning time for general and special education teachers, and the implementation of co-teaching models.


Ed.D. Dissertation



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