"Their Stories, Our Testimony: A Narrative Inquiry Into The Remote Teac" by Catherine E. Fenner

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Andrea Disque

Second Advisor

Jennifer L. Crawford


This narrative inquiry explored the lived experiences of clinical nurse educators who taught at community colleges during the COVID-19 global pandemic, contributing to the growing body of literature about what nurses endured during the pandemic. The pandemic and the ensuing havoc it caused occurred when the profession faced significant staffing shortages. In the early months of 2020, when the virus was spreading rapidly, many states issued stay-at-home orders requiring nursing programs to pivot to remote learning platforms. Teaching hands-on skills, communication techniques, and time management strategies through virtual and remote pedagogy was a time of confusion for nurse educators, who had to experiment with teaching within external constraints. Their experiences, and the lessons they learned, offer nurse leaders insights and ideas on how to improve nursing education for future students. Semistructured interviews, lasting approximately 1 hour, were conducted with five community college nurse educators who shared their professional and individual experiences. After transcription and coding, their interviews were restoried and sent to them for verification. Through analysis, three themes emerged: (a) feeling confused about how to pivot to remote education, (b) recognizing the societal need for nurses, and (c) feeling concerned for their students’ future success. The findings shed light on the confusion, limitations, and opportunities of remote nursing education. With these findings, new nurse educators can learn from their predecessors so that future nursing students can benefit from the turmoil and growth created by the COVID-19 global pandemic.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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