"Teacher Perceptions Of The Impact Of Administrators On The Social And " by Allison Breen

Publication Date

Summer 5-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Audrey Rabas

Second Advisor

Jennifer Scott

Third Advisor

Amy Rickett


This intrinsic, qualitative single case study took place at a suburban, public elementary school in Massachusetts with teachers from second through fifth grade. The study addressed the importance of administrative support and engagement on teachers’ social and emotional health and sustaining a positive school climate. The study aimed to help stakeholders understand the perceptions of teachers regarding the perceived impact of administrators’ support and engagement on teachers’ health and well-being. The online survey used convenience sampling that included seven topics from a pre-existing instrument. The semi-structured interviews were based on purposive sampling and included open-ended questions. A total of 16 participants responded to the online survey and eight participants engaged in semi-structured interviews. Transcripts were checked by participants for accuracy after thematic analysis was completed using open, axial, and selective coding. When reporting the results of the study, the online survey was used to support the themes that were identified based on the qualitative interviews. Previous researchers have found that schools are more successful when there is high quality leadership. Additionally, strong leadership leads to collective teacher efficacy and positive school outcomes and climate. Results of this study show that districts must look to engage administrators in leadership training, utilize teacher and staff input during decision making, adopt schedules that prioritize teacher and student health and opportunities for collaboration, and form committees to select and implement vertically and horizontally aligned, evidence based SEL programs.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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