Environmental Studies Faculty Publications | Environmental Studies Faculty Works | University of New England


Publications from 2021


Management Schemes, Not Philopatry Or Breeding Experience, Affect Nest Success Of Two Songbirds In Vermont Hayfields, Kylie Denny, Noah G. Perlut, and Allan Strong


A Preliminary Abundance Estimate Of An Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus) Contingent Within An Open Riverine System, Austin J. Flanigan, Noah G. Perlut, and James A. Sulikowski


Agriculture Is Adapting To Phenological Shifts Caused By Climate Change, But Grassland Songbirds Are Not, Maeve M. McGowan, Noah G. Perlut, and Allan M. Strong


Diverse Demographic Factors Influence Apparent Juvenile Survival In A Migratory Songbird, Emma M. White, Noah G. Perlut, Steven E. Travis, and Allan Strong

Publications from 2020


Mixed Consequences Of Divorce On Reproductive Success Of Songbirds Nesting In Agricultural Hayfields, Kylee DiMaggio, Noah G. Perlut, and Allan Strong


Long-Distance Dispersal By Eastern Gray Squirrels In Suburban Habitats, Noah G. Perlut


Light-Level Geolocation Reveals The Migration Route And Non-Breeding Location Of An Antillean Nighthawk (Chordeiles Gundlachii), Noah G. Perlut and Anthony Levesque

Publications from 2019


Weak Effects Of Geolocators On Small Birds: A Meta-Analysis Controlled For Phylogeny And Publication Bias, Vojtěch Brlík and Noah G. Perlut


Heritability And Evolvability Of Morphological Traits Of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus Sandwichensis) Breeding In Agricultural Grasslands, Jenna A. Cava, Noah G. Perlut, and Steven E. Travis


Latest Documented Fall Record Of Oporornis Agilis (Connecticut Warbler) In North America, Noah G. Perlut


Migration Tactics Of A Long-Distance Migratory Songbird From Across A Continental Breeding Range, Rosalind Renfrew, Dan Kim, Noah G. Perlut, and Michael D. Cadman

Publications from 2018


Age-Specific Differences In Fat Reserves And Migratory Passage Of Setophaga Striata (Blackpoll Warbler), Emily N. Filiberti and Noah G. Perlut


Prevalent Transoceanic Fall Migration By A 30-Gram Songbird, The Bobolink, Noah G. Perlut


Haemosporidian Parasite Community In Migrating Bobolinks On The Galapagos Islands, Noah G. Perlut, Patricia G. Parker, Rosalind B. Renfrew, and Maricruz Jaramillo

Publications from 2017


Geolocator Data Reveal The Migration Route And Wintering Location Of A Caribbean Martin (Progne Dominicensis), Noah G. Perlut, Thomas C. Klak, and Eldar Rakhimberdiev


Winter Diet Of Bobolink, A Long-Distance Migratory Grassland Bird, Inferred From Feather Isotopes, Rosalind B. Renfrew, Jason M. Hill, Daniel H. Kim, Christopher Romanek, and Noah G. Perlut


A Multicriteria Decision Analysis For Identifying Priority Conservation Areas For Grassland Birds, Flavio Sutti, Allan Strong, and Noah G. Perlut

Publications from 2016


Why Come Back Home? Investigating The Proximate Factors That Influence Natal Philopatry In Migratory Passerines, Jenna A. Cava, Noah G. Perlut, and Steven E. Travis


Local Parasite Lineage Sharing In Temperate Grassland Birds Provides Clues About Potential Origins Of Galapagos Avian Plasmodium, Iris I. Levin, Rachel E. Colborn, Daniel Kim, Noah G. Perlut, Rosalind B. Renfrew, and Patricia G. Parker


Roof-Top Nesting In A Declining Population Of Herring Gulls (Larus Argentatus) In Portland, Maine, USA, Noah G. Perlut, David N. Bonter, Julie C. Ellis, and Margaret S. Friar


Stopover On Galapagos During Autumn Migration Of Bobolinks (Dolichonyx Oryzivorus), Noah G. Perlut and Rosalind Renfrew


Comparative Analysis Of Factors Associated With First‐Year Survival In Two Species Of Migratory Songbirds, Noah G. Perlut and Allan M. Strong


Morphological Variation Among Herring Gulls (Larus Argentatus) And Great Black-Backed Gulls (Larus Marinus) In Eastern North America, Gregory J. Robertson, Sheena Roul, Karel A. Allard, Cynthia Pekarik, Raphael A. Lavoie, Julie C. Ellis, Noah G. Perlut, Antony W. Diamond, Nikki Benjamin, Robert A. Ronconi, Scott G. Gilliland, and Brian G. Veitch

Publications from 2015


Sustaining The Saco Estuary: Final Report 2015, Christine B. Feurt Ph D, Pamela A. Morgan, Mark D. O. Adams, Anna L. Bass, Carrie J. Byron, Michael C. Daley, Michael O. Esty, Noah G. Perlut, Kayla Smith, Tyler Spillane, Michelle M. Steen-Adams, James Sulikowski, Stephan I. Zeeman, Jacob Aman, Michele Dionne, Jeremy Miller, and Kristin Wilson


Bobolink (Dolichonyx Oryzivorus), Stephen G. Martin, Thomas A. Gavin, Rosalind Renfrew, Allan M. Strong, and Noah G. Perlut


Brood Provisioning And Nest Survival Of Ardea Herodias (Great Blue Heron) In Maine, Margaret M. Meserve Auclair, Kathryn A. Ono, and Noah G. Perlut

Publications from 2014


Rescuing Economics From The Discipline: The Green Learning Community, Michael Daley, Owen Grumbling, and Richard B. Peterson


Nestling Sex Ratios Do Not Support Long-Term Parity In Two Species With Different Life-History Strategies, Noah G. Perlut, Steven E. Travis, Catherine A. Dunbar, Allan M. Strong, and Derek M. Wright

Publications from 2013


Evaluating The Roles Of Visual Openness And Edge Effects On Nest-Site Selection And Reproductive Success In Grassland Birds, Alexander C. Keyel, Allan M. Strong, Noah G. Perlut, and J. Michael Reed


Minor Fitness Benefits For Edge Avoidance In Nesting Grassland Birds In The Northeastern United States, David G. Perkins, Noah G. Perlut, and Allan M. Strong

Publications from 2012


Working Together To Get Things Done: Collaborative Learning Training, Christine Baumann Feurt


Male Savannah Sparrows Provide Less Parental Care With Increasing Paternity Loss, Noah G. Perlut, Lindsay M. Kelly, Nathan J. Zalik, and Allan M. Strong

Publications from 2011


Collaborative Learning And Land Use Tools To Support Community Based Ecosystem Management: A Final Report Submitted To The NOAA/UNH Cooperative Institute For Coastal And Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET), Christine Baumann Feurt

Publications from 2009


Natal and Breeding Dispersal of Bobolinks (Dolichonyx Oryzivorus) And Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus Sandwichensis) In An Agricultural Landscape, Natalia Fajardo, Allan M. Strong, Noah G. Perlut, and Neil J. Buckley


Collaborative Learning Strategies To Overcome Barriers To Science Translation In Coastal Watershed Management: A Final Report Submitted To The NOAA/UNH Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET), Christine Baumann Feurt


Aggressive Response Of Adult Bobolinks To Neck Ligatures On Nestlings, Lynn P. Little, Allan M. Strong, and Noah G. Perlut


The Functions And Values Of Fringing Salt Marshes In Northern New England, USA, Pamela A. Morgan, David M. Burdick, and Frederick T. Short

Publications from 2008


Collaborative Learning Guide for Ecosystem Management, Christine Baumann Feurt


The Potential Of Uncut Patches To Increase The Nesting Success Of Grassland Songbirds In Intensively Managed Hayfields: A Preliminary Study From The Champlain Valley Of Vermont, Roger J. Masse, Allan M. Strong, and Noah G. Perlut


Grassland Songbird Survival And Recruitment In Agricultural Landscapes: Implications For Source-Sink Demography, Noah G. Perlut, Allan M. Strong, Therese M. Donovan, and Neil J. Buckley


Simultaneous Incubation By Two Females And Nestling Provisioning By Four Adults At A Savannah Sparrow Nest, Nathan J. Zalik and Noah G. Perlut

Publications from 2007


A Comprehensive Wetland Program For Fringing Salt Marshes In The York River, Maine, Pamela A. Morgan, Jeremy Miller, Christopher Cayce Dalton, and Michele Dionne

Publications from 2006


Cultural Models - A Tool For Enhancing Communication And Collaboration In Coastal Resources Management: A Primer For Coastal Training Program Coordinators In National Estuarine Research Reserves, Christine Baumann Feurt


Science Translation For Non-Point Source Pollution Control – A Cultural Models Approach With Municipal Officials: A Final Report Submitted To The NOAA/UNH Cooperative Institute For Coastal And Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET), Christine Baumann Feurt


Grassland Songbirds In A Dynamic Management Landscape: Behavioral Responses And Management Strategies, Noah G. Perlut, Allan M. Strong, Therese M. Donovan, and Neil J. Buckley

Publications from 2005


Assessing The Health Of Fringing Salt Marshes Along The Fore River And Its Tributaries, Pamela A. Morgan, Lucas Curci, Cayce Dalton, and Jeremy Miller


Ecological Functions And Values Of Fringing Salt Marshes Susceptible To Oil Spills In Casco Bay, Maine, Pamela A. Morgan, Michele Dionne, Richard MacKenzie, and Lucas Curci