Presentations given by faculty in the Occupational Therapy department.
When the Challenges of Aging and Visual Impairment Collide: Working Together to Build a Toolbox of Rehab Ideas of Best Care for Older Adults
Regula H. Robnett and Kathy Clarrage
Workshop/presentation by Regi Robnett, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, professor in the UNE Department of Occupational Therapy and Kathy Clarrage, COMS, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist for the State of Maine. Given at the North East Chapter of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NEAER) conference, this presentation encouraged health care providers to work as a team to care for older, visually impaired adults. The professional audience included orientation and mobility specialists, vision rehabilitation therapists, low vision specialists, administrators in the field of blindness, social workers in the field of blindness and vocational rehabilitation counselors.
Staying Sharp: The Cutting Edge Of Research On Cognition And Aging
Regula H. Robnett
Workshop PowerPoint presentation given June 11, 2015, for the 25th Maine Geriatrics Conference in Bar Harbor, Maine. Presentation reviews the latest evidence on cognition and aging. While there is an overwhelming amount of data out there, it is crucial to be informed consumers so the information can be used to enhance one's own life and the lives of others. As people age, changes occur in the brain that can impact learning, memory, and overall daily performance. However, techniques based on promoting preserved skills, embracing new learning, and providing contextual adaptations can be used to improve overall performance. Workshop presentation included active learning activities through the lens of occupational therapy intervention.