Faculty Advisor

Markus Frederich



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Countless marine species are invading new environments with devastating effects on the ecosystem, the local and global economy, and on human health. The frequency of marine invasions has been increasing in recent decades with a respective raised interest of invasive species in the scientific community, and the general public. The Aquatic Invasive Species class (MAR442) at the University of New England offers an informative overview of invasive species, targeting educated readers with a general interest in invasive species biology. Students in the MAR 442 class have worked on identifying the most important topics on marine invasive species, have reviewed the respective literature and written chapters that provide both a broad overview of the general aspects on marine invasions, as well as a set of individual case studies that illustrate different specific aspects of marine invasions. The class, comprised of fifteen junior and senior marine biology students, selected the different topics, presented the material, wrote the drafts, edited the drafts and assembled the final versions into this book. With a wealth of information on invasive species assembled in peer-reviewed articles, books, other literature, websites, data-bases and more, this book cannot claim to be all inclusive. However, we think that this book will provide an excellent broad overview of the most important aspects of marine invasion biology, and will furthermore provide very specific information on selected topics.

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Environmental Sciences | Marine Biology | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology


Copyright © 2014 the authors. Please cite correctly if utilized. Please contact the authors to request permissions for use beyond personal or educational fair use.


Written by students taking the MAR 442 Aquatic Invasive Species course at the University of New England.

Introduction 4; Impacts of Invasive Species 7; Distribution of Invasive Species 10; Overcoming Natural Barriers: Vectors and Pathways 16; Evolutionary Adaptations 24; Handling the Invaders: Prevention, Management, and Eradication 31; Invasive Species in the Face of Climate Change 37; Case studies: Caulerpa taxifolia 44; Invasive Corals: Tubastraea coccinea and Carijoa riisei 46; Mnemiopsis leidyi 51; Chinese Mitten Crab - Eriocheir sinensis 55; Veined Rapa Whelk - Rapana venosa 59; Bluespotted Cornet Fish - Fistularia commersonii 63; Invading an Invader: The Asian Shore Crab 68; Invasive Species in Antarctica 72; The Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 76; Kappaphycus alvarezii 80; The Invasion of Asterias amurensis 85; Alewife - Alosa pseudoharengus 88; The Invasion of the White Spotted Jellyfish (Phyllorhiza punctata) 91; Lionfish (Pterois volitans) 94; Crassostrea gigas, a good problem? 98

An Introduction To Marine Invasive Species
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