"Who Invited You? The Complex Story Of Aquatic Invasive Species" by Shaylee A. Amidon, Colin J. Birch et al.

Faculty Advisor

Markus Frederich



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Invasive species represent a global threat to ecosystems, human health, and the economy. A basic knowledge of invasive species biology is crucial to understand current and future impacts and implications. The purpose of this book is to provide a broad background on invasive species, and also details on specific examples through case studies.

The students in the course Aquatic Invasive Species (MAR 442) at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine, have researched and reviewed scientific literature to educate readers about these issues. The class, comprised of fifteen junior and senior Marine Science, Marine Affairs, Animal Behavior, and Environmental Sciences students, selected the different topics, presented the material, wrote the chapters, and assembled the final versions into this book. This book cannot be all inclusive, but we think this book will provide an excellent broad overview of the most important aspects of Invasive Species Biology and might stimulate the reader to dive deeper into the material.

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Marine Biology


Copyright © 2021 the authors. Please cite correctly if utilized. Please contact the authors to request permissions for use beyond personal or educational fair use.


Written by students taking the MAR 442 Aquatic Invasive Species course at the University of New England.


Preface 3; Introduction 6; Impacts of Invasive Aquatic Species 11; Success and Opportunity 22; Vectors 26; Detection and monitoring of aquatic invasive species 30; Mitigating Aquatic Invasive Species 37; Interconnected Crises: Climate Change and Aquatic Invasive Species 43; Case studies 54; The Hoover Vacuum of the Sea: Introduction of the Invasive Lionfish 55; Sea Lamprey: The Invader of the Great Lakes 60; Mnemiopsis leidyi: A Means of Success 66; Common Water Hyacinth 71; Invasion of two species of green algae (genus Caulerpa) in the Mediterranean Sea 75; Tunicate invasion of aquaculture resources and human activities 80; Mammals: Invasion of Pablo Escobar’s Hippos (Hippopotamus amphibius) 86; European Green Crab, Carcinus maenas 93; Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas: An economically important invasive bivalve 97

Who Invited You? The Complex Story Of Aquatic Invasive Species
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