"Grant Application: Compassionate Touch Short Film" by Jessfor Baugh and Riddhi Daftary



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IPEC Mini-grant application for funding of UNE student project Compassionate Touch.UNE Dental Medicine students collaborated with Creative and Fine Arts faculty and Dental Medicine faculty to create the film Compassionate Touch, focusing on five stages associated with anxious dental patients, as depicted through artwork, interprofessional interviews and scholarly sources. The film highlights the current understanding and management of the dental needs for high fear patients before, during, and after their visit to the dentist, and how interprofessional health care providers can assist patients to achieve quality patient-centered care.

Publication Date



dental medicine, art, film, dental patients, anxiety, fear


Dentistry | Film Production | Interdisciplinary Arts and Media | Interprofessional Education | Printmaking

Related Materials

The approval letter for this application from UNE faculty Shelley Cohen Konrad is attached as supplemental material.

The short film resulting from this IPEC mini-grant can be viewed/downloaded here: http://dune.une.edu/minigrant_comptouch/2/.

Compassionate Touch was also submitted to the University of New England's student-edited journal of narrative medicine, Akesis:


UNE faculty members Alex Rheault, David Pier, and Michael Truscott were affiliated with this project.

UNE community members Jeffrey B. Finegold, Lakshmi S. Garladinne, Barry C. Saltz, Rashidah T. Wiley, Rebecca Filan, Jay Beauchemin, Elias Mikael Chatah, Namita Khandelwal, Michelle Tsao, Cameron Grover, and Chelsea Toussaint were also involved in the film's creation.

Grant Application: Compassionate Touch Short Film


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