Cost-Effectiveness And Implementation Of A Drug Information Center In The Bahamas And Surrounding Caribbean Islands

Cost-Effectiveness And Implementation Of A Drug Information Center In The Bahamas And Surrounding Caribbean Islands

Alexander Wilson
John Redwanski, University of New England

Poster presented at the December, 2012 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting held in Las Vegas, NV.


Poster presentation: Currently, no drug information centers exist in the Bahamas or Caribbean Islands. There is a significant strain placed on the Public Hospitals Authority pharmacy budget in the Bahamas. The ability to purchase multiple medications in the same therapeutic class without beneficial cost analysis provided by drug information centers, specifically drug utilization reviews to the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, has depleted the hospital’s budget. This project is designed to show how cost-effective it is to have a drug information center in the Bahamas and surrounding Caribbean Islands.