Utility Survey Of The 2016 AACP Core Journal List
Poster presented at the July 2018 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy meeting held in Boston, MA.
The Core Journals List is a list of journals which have been evaluated by members of the AACP Library and Information Sciences Committee and deemed to be of high value for colleges of pharmacy. The list acts to support academic pharmacy programs in building their library collections. A nineteen question survey was drafted based on a 2015 survey. In order to reach as many users of the Core Journal List as possible, the final survey was shared with the AACP Library and Information Sciences Section, the Medical Library Association, the Special Library Association’s biomedical and pharmaceutical sections, and the Consortium for the Advancement of Medication Information Policy and Research. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results of completed surveys. Surveys were considered complete if participants completed questions one through nine.