"Jörg Langowski: His Scientific Legacy And The Future It Promises" by Giuseppe Chirico, Alexander Gansen et al.

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Background: With the passing of Jörg Langowski 6 May 2017 in a sailplane accident, the scientific community was deprived of a strident and effective voice for DNA and chromatin molecular and computational biophysics, for open access publishing and for the creation of effective scientific research networks. Methods: Here, after reviewing some of Jörg’s key research contributions and ideas, we offer through the personal remembrance of his closest collaborators, a deep analysis of the major results of his research and the future directions they have engendered. Conclusions: The legacy of Jörg Langowski has been to propel a way of viewing biological function that considers living systems as dynamic and in three dimensions. This physical view of biology that he pioneered is now, finally, becoming established also because of his great effort.


Originally published:
Chirico, G., Gansen, A., Leuba, S. H., Olins, A. L., Olins, D. E., Smith, J. C., & Tóth, K. (2018). Jörg langowski: His scientific legacy and the future it promises. BMC Biophysics, 11 doi:http://dx.doi.org.une.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/s13628-018-0045-1

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