"The Treatment Of Pes Anserine Syndrome Using ACL Injury Prevention Exe" by Stephanie Chau and Kirsten Buchanan

Faculty Advisor(s)

Kirsten Buchanan



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The purpose of this case report was to utilize ACL injury prevention exercises within a comprehensive physical therapy (PT) plan of care (POC) for a patient with Pes anserine syndrome (PAS). Pes anserine syndrome (PAS) is the inflammation of either the pes anserine bursa, tendon, or both. The incidence and etiology of PAS are unknown at this time. There is limited literature available for the treatment and rehabilitation of PAS. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury prevention exercises address proper hip, knee, and ankle alignment and decrease the risk of ACL injuries by 52% in females and 85% in males.

Publication Date



Physical Therapy

Related Materials

The case report paper for this poster can be found here:


The Treatment Of Pes Anserine Syndrome Using ACL Injury Prevention Exercises: A Case Report
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