Faculty Advisor(s)

Jennifer Audette



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The clinical diagnosis of parkinsonism is “the presence of at least two of the four cardinal signs: resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability.” Symptoms often lead to limited functional mobility. Patients who have unilateral bradykinesia with hypokinesia, changes in gait, balance, and decreased quality of life have positively responded to Lee Silverman Voice Technique (LSVT) BIG treatment according to Rehabilitation Research and Practice. LSVT-BIG focuses on increasing movement amplitude to achieve bigger, faster, and more precise movements in an attempt to restore normal movement patterns. The purpose of this case study is to describe interdisciplinary treatment of LSVT-BIG on a patient with parkinsonism and its effectiveness in both gross motor and fine motor outcome measures.

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Physical Therapy

Interdisciplinary Administration Of LSVT-BIG By A Physical Therapist And Occupational Therapist On A Patient With Parkinsonism: A Case Report
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