Faculty Advisor(s)

Matthew Somma



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Mastoiditis is an infection and inflammation of the mastoid cells. If left untreated, mastoiditis can lead to intracranial complications and ultimately death. Diagnosis is confirmed with imaging such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Common symptoms include earache, retroauricular pain, headache, mastoid tenderness, hearing loss, and discharge from the ear. Mastoiditis is typically managed with antibiotics, but may require mastoidectomy which is the surgical removal of the mastoid bone. The purpose of this case report is to illuminate the signs/symptoms of Mastoiditis as well as Cervicogenic Headaches and their commonalities which include overlapping site of cervicalgia.

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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Management Of A Patient With Unilateral Headache, Neck, And Shoulder Pain Who Presents With Undiagnosed Mastoiditis: A Case Report
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