Faculty Advisor(s)

Michael Fillyaw



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Background: Lower limb amputation is a traumatic procedure that is most commonly performed on individuals who are diabetic or have peripheral vascular disease. Other causes of amputation include infection, trauma or cancer. A sarcoma is a cancer in tissues such as muscle, fat, cartilage, or bone. The treatment goal is to excise and prevent growth or metastasis of the sarcoma. There is limited literature regarding dementia involving motor planning deficits and physical therapy. However, based upon the interventions provided by physical therapists it is believed that individuals with dementia involving motor planning deficits will have some difficulty. Purpose: The purpose of this case report is to describe the inpatient physical therapy management of a patient following right above knee amputation with motor planning deficits.

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Physical Therapy

Related Materials

A case report paper for this poster can be found here:


Inpatient Physical Therapy For A Patient With Dementia After Right Above Knee Amputation:  A Case Report



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