Faculty Advisor(s)

G. Noel Squires



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A common behavioral syndrome of stroke is unilateral neglect (ULN) which is defined as the failure to report, respond, or orient to stimuli presented contralateral to the brain lesion. ULN has a negative influence on functional recovery and is associated with a poor functional outcome following a stroke, therefore several rehabilitative approaches have been proposed and implemented to decrease neglect and improve patient recovery. There are currently limitations within the research regarding the efficacy of PT interventions to decrease ULN symptoms. In addition, the optimal PT interventions and treatment strategies is unclear. The purpose of this case report is to describe multimodal physical therapy (PT) management that includes PT interventions to alleviate symptoms of ULN and report upon the outcomes of the various treatment methods for rehabilitation of patients with neglect during functional mobility.

Publication Date



Physical Therapy

Related Materials

The case report paper for this poster can be found here:


Multimodal Physical Therapy Management Of A Patient With Unilateral Neglect Post-Stroke In An Outpatient Setting: A Case Report
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