Faculty Advisor(s)

Amy J. Litterini



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3.4% of the 600,000 strokes that occur annually in the United States are cerebellar strokes. Despite the rarity of cerebellar strokes, their impact can cause severe acute neurological morbidity. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) supplies the inferior portion of the cerebellum. PICA infarct can lead to deficits in gait and postural stability, coordination, and Cognition and attention. The task-oriented approach has been demonstrated as an effective intervention for patients with cerebrovascular accidents, but limited research has been done on its use in patients with cerebellar stroke. The purpose of this case report was to provide an overview of the physical therapy management in the acute inpatient rehabilitation setting for a patient following a PICA stroke, with the use of a task-oriented approach.

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Physical Therapy

Related Materials

The case report paper for this poster can be found here:


Use Of A Task-Oriented Approach In The Physical Therapy Management Of A Patient Following A Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Stroke:  A Case Report



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