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Michael Fillyaw



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Background: Low back pain (LBP) in young athletes who participate in sports requiring repetitive flexion/extension/rotation of the spine is common among females, especially during periods of rapid growth. Information collected by Oliver and Plummer on ground reaction forces, kinematics, and muscle activation during the windmill softball pitch indicates how crucial strength and conditioning of the gluteal muscle group is to prevent injury during this movement pattern. Purpose: This case report describes the examination, evaluation, and PT interventions for a female high school softball pitcher with hip and core weakness, and bilateral hip hypermobility leading to low back and hip pain.

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Physical Therapy

Related Materials

The case report paper for this poster can be found here: http://dune.une.edu/pt_studcrpaper/6/.

Physical Therapy Management Of A Female Adolescent Softball Pitcher With Chronic Low Back And Hip Pain: A Case Report
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