"Personalization And Increased Engagement Through Extended Learning Opp" by Jennifer L. Crawford

Date of Award



© 2018 Jennifer L. Crawford

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Michelle Collay

Second Advisor

Kimberly Roberts-Morandi

Third Advisor

Robert A. Hassett


This qualitative intrinsic case study of a bounded system examined student perceptions of their experiences with the Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) program at Hillsboro-Deering High School. The study data derived from interviews with nine individuals who had participated in the ELO program. The study participants were both current students and alumni. The study explored the ELO program as a means of personalization and engaging students in their learning. Five main themes emerged from the data: Personal Interest, Relationships, Motivation, Self-directed and Self-paced, and Program Awareness. The study shows that students valued their experiences in the ELO program and felt that it was well aligned to the school’s core values and articulated mission. The data also showed that study participants do not believe that the majority of students have adequate awareness and understanding of the ELO program to take advantage of it. Further study is recommended to explore student perception of the relationship of grades to learning. Further study is also recommended to examine why some students who enroll in the ELO program do not complete their projects. The study produced several concrete suggestions for how to develop greater awareness and understanding of the program for students. The study provides solid support for the growth and expansion of the ELO program at Hillsboro-Deering High School.


Ed.D. Dissertation
