"Transforming Disability To Advantage: A Phenomenological Study Of Care" by Bonnie A. Blake

Date of Award

Spring 2018


© 2018 Bonnie A. Blake

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Brianna Parsons

Second Advisor

Michael Patrick

Third Advisor

Monica L. Creelman


The purpose of this Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis study was to understand how dyslexics’ and non-dyslexics’ perceptions about dyslexia impacted the life experiences of dyslexic individuals with successful careers. Six dyslexic participants described meaningful experiences in their lives and career success in individual, semistructured, in-person interviews in the New York tri-state area. The participants shared insights that revealed four themes: (1) Challenging Academic Experiences, (2) Thinking Differently and Creating Success, (3) Championing a Growth Mindset and Positive Thinking, and (4) Leading with Strengths and Talents.

This study explored the transformative shift from narrowly viewing dyslexia as a neurological disorder to a wider lens of potential advantages for adult dyslexics in successful careers. Eide & Eide (2012) suggested that the same brain differences that create challenges in reading, language, and learning may have also produced strengths in conceptual, visual, and visionary thinking. The participants shared their strengths and talents, challenges and opportunities in their unique career journeys.


Ed.D. Dissertation
