"Latinx Student Development At An Emerging Hispanic Serving Institution" by Gilberto Pérez Jr.

Date of Award



© 2020 Gilberto Pérez, Jr.

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Marylin Newell

Second Advisor

Gizelle Luevano

Third Advisor

Henry Fernandez


As Latinx students continue to enroll at emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) in the Midwest, it is imperative that college administrators understand the ways students develop while living in the residence halls. Although much research has been conducted about Latinx college students, little is known about their first-year experience in residential life settings and how that experience might contribute to their development. Seven second-year participants were identified and participated in this phenomenological study. Arthur Chickering’s (1969) student development theory guided the study to better understand how the seven vectors of identity contributed to student development in the following areas: competence, managing emotions, developing identity, moving from autonomy toward interdependence, interpersonal relationships, developing purpose, and developing integrity. Understanding the development of Latinx students living in the residence halls can inform student life professionals on their development and ensure that residential programs they create allow students to persist longer at their college or university. Engaging in meaningful reflection on the development of Latinx students has the potential to impact the educational outcomes of these students.


Ed.D. Dissertation
