"The Effectiveness Of Read 180 At A Cooperative High School In New Engl" by Michael E. Daboul

Date of Award



© 2020 Michael E. Daboul

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Suzan Nelson

Second Advisor

Corinne Crafton

Third Advisor

David Hobbs


Over the last decade, schools have employed a variety of intervention plans to assist below grade-level achieving students to quickly gain missing skills with the ultimate goal of allowing these students access to proper grade level curriculum. These intervention plans have been directly aligned with educational laws in the US such as the No Child Left Behind Act and the Every Student Achieves Act with very little success. There has been a great deal of research conducted on the most effective and efficient ways to properly diagnose, address, and implement these intervention plans; however there is a lack of literature examining the relationship of the alignment of standards that are common to individual intervention programs and those of the state and federal government. This study fills a gap in the literature and extends the dialogue on this topic focusing specifically on whether Scholastic’s READ 180 intervention program is a suitable Response to Intervention. The program allows struggling readers to gain reading skills and achieve credit in a standard high school Freshman English course. The researcher notes alignment of common standards in the READ 180 program and the curriculum of the standard Freshman English course at the Cooperative High School of New England (CHSNE). This study concluded that students who received the READ 180 treatment saw Lexile growth three times greater than the students who did not receive the treatment; however these students earned a passing grade in the standard high school Freshman English class six times less frequently. Further, this study determined that, even though there is direct alignment in the standards in this standard English class and the READ 180 intervention program, growth in the READ 180 standards did not equate to the same growth in the standards in the English course or attainment of credit.


Ed.D. Dissertation
