"Implementing The SIOP Model To Support English Language Learners" by Pamela T. Chandler

Date of Award



© 2020 Pamela T. Chandler

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Ella Benson

Second Advisor

Michelle Collay

Third Advisor

Kisha L. Walker


Children who are English as a Foreign Language Learners (EFL) and/or English language learners (ELLs) are missing critical content-specific learning. These students are transitioning into mainstream classrooms, lacking basic literacy foundation skills, including vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, phonology, and meaning, which is preventing them from accessing grade-level content. Teachers who are charged with educating English language learners are not always provided with sufficient professional development that will allow them to meet the students’ needs. ELL students need specific instructional strategies that will address their learning needs as well as language development. The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation of the SIOP Model at ACIS to support teachers in delivering subject-specific content while at the same time developing language skills of English language learners. Archival data was used in this case study to answer the following research questions: What strategies, interventions, and/or protocols from the SIOP Model are being use by teachers? What barriers and obstacles have teachers faced with implementing the SIOP Model? What are the perspectives of teachers regarding support and training that would improve their use of the SIOP Model?

The findings of the research indicate that teachers used different components of the SIOP Model. The increase in NWEA MAP reading scores over the course of a year suggests that using the SIOP Model had a positive impact on student learning. Thirty-nine percent of the respondents found that there were no barriers to implementing the SIOP Model, which suggests that some teachers may be unaware of expectations, therefore, unaware of barriers. The four areas that emerged as areas for further research were Strategies, Response to Intervention (RTI), lesson preparation and assessment. Time management also emerged as a possible area for further training. The recommendations for future practice are to continue to fully implement the SIOP Model. School leadership should continue to support the model by providing dedicated professional development and ensuring that all teachers are provided with resources that support the SIOP Model. The student achievement data showed promising results for ACIS’ first year of implementing the SIOP Model.


Ed.D. Dissertation
