"Teachers’ Perceptions Of The Observation, Coaching, And Feedback Cycle" by Susan B. Ficke

Date of Award



© 2020 Susan B. Ficke

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Jacqueline Lookabaugh

Second Advisor

Andrea Disque

Third Advisor

Donna Agnew


The purpose of this qualitative case study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions, attitudes, and viewpoints of how their daily teaching may be refined after implementing feedback from the Observation Coaching Feedback Cycle (OCFC) into their daily instruction. In direct connection, this study’s purpose seeks to fill a gap in literature regarding teachers’ perceptions of the OCFC experience. Reflective Practice Theory was selected as the Conceptual Framework that guided this study. Reflective practice is essential to understand one’s actions so as to engage in a process of continuous learning. Without reflective processes, people would not amend their work (Helyer, 2015). The whole premise of the evaluation process and is to encourage change and is based upon the idea that teachers would like to learn more and change their practice to best serve their students. Data were composed of survey evaluations and in-depth teacher interviews, which were analyzed for content relevant to the research questions. Through this case study, five primary themes of evaluators demonstrated the following: knowledge of content they are observing, relationships impacting the OCFC, professional growth, frequency of observation, perceptions of OCFC emerged with 5 emergent subthemes. Findings may be useful for district administrators, K-12 school systems, classroom teachers, and special area teachers such as teachers of Art, Music, Health and Physical Education and Career Technical Subjects.


Ed.D. Dissertation
