"Examining The Communication Strategies Utilized During An Organization" by Portia R. Stallworth

Date of Award



© 2020 Portia R. Stallworth

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Ella Benson

Second Advisor

Jennifer Galipeau

Third Advisor

Felicia Wilson


In this interpretive phenomenological study, the researcher sought to understand the lived experiences of branch campus administrators’ perceptions of the communication strategies utilized during a pervasive organizational change. Minimal research has been conducted surrounding the specifics of the communication strategies that have effectively and successfully matriculated branch campus administrators through an organizational change. To gain a better understanding of the lived experiences and perceptions of the communication strategies utilized during a branch campus organizational change, 35 members of the National Association of Branch Campus Administrators completed a qualifying survey. A semistructured interview was conducted with 10 branch campus administrators who had worked at a nonprofit, 4-year, regionally accredited university within the United States and had experienced a branch campus organizational change within the last five years. Data collected from the interviews revealed that there were connections between the organizational relationship of the main campus with its branch campuses and participant perceptions of the effectiveness of the communication strategies utilized. Furthermore, branch campus leaders played an intricate role in how well their teams received information, remained motivated during the organizational change, and successfully matriculated through the change. Lastly, empathetic communication emerged as a necessary component when branch campus administrators engaged with their staff throughout the organizational change.


Ed.D. Dissertation
