"Middle School Teachers’ Perceptions Of Homework Assignments Effective " by Jennifer E. Keck

Date of Award



© 2020 Jennifer E. Keck

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Jacqueline Lookabaugh

Second Advisor

Andrea Disque

Third Advisor

Maria Nemerowicz


The purpose of this qualitative exploratory research study with a phenomenological research design was to gain an understanding of the phenomenon regarding which homework assignments, as perceived by middle school teachers, most effectively resulted in students submitting completed assignments. This study fills a gap and helps explain which homework assignments are more effective at increasing homework assignment completion for middle school students. The constructivist theory guided the conceptual framework. Data analysis was conducted on data collected though surveys, in-depth interviews with middle school teachers, and a review of archival homework samples. Through this phenomenological study four themes emerged regarding teacher perceptions of which homework assignments are more effective: routine homework, homework with clear expectations, homework that students see as achievable, and homework assignments that considered the executive functioning of students. It was found that middle school teachers’ perceptions about increasing student homework assignment completion reflect the value of structural supports, ongoing homework development, and the assignment of the homework itself. Persons in educational administrative leadership, middle school teachers, and teachers in general may find this study useful.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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