"Dual Enrollment Programs: Advising Policies And Practices For High Sch" by Devin V. Cribb

Date of Award



© 2021 Devin V. Cribb

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Michelle Collay

Second Advisor

Andrea Disque

Third Advisor

Meredith Love


This study focused on the role of academic advising within dual enrollment programs, those programs that allow secondary students to enroll in college credit bearing courses while still in high school. Research questions were as follows: (1) What advising policies and practices are in place for those that advise high school students at post-secondary institutions that host dual enrollment programs? (2) How do those that manage and advise dual enrollment students perceive these policies and how their job roles and responsibilities relate to these policies? (3) How do those that manage and advise dual enrollment students enact current policies to coach students towards their academic and career goals? (4) How do these policies align with Conley’s Four Keys to College and Career Readiness (2014)? This research includes an analysis of qualitative data collected from interviews from 10 dual enrollment personnel across the state of South Carolina. The researcher aligned their descriptions of advising roles, as outlined by Nutt (2017), and with Conley’s Four Key’s to College and Career Readiness (2014). Participant responses and findings from the study created a narrative that demonstrates advising strengths and highlights areas for improvement within the realm of academic advising in dual enrollment programs. Based on the data in this study, it is recommended that future studies include more focused populations, and follow-up with students one year after high school graduation.


Ed.D. Dissertation
