"Implementation Of Technology In The Foreign Language Classroom" by Bashar Farid Al Saadi

Date of Award



© 2021 Bashar Farid Al Saadi

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Cynthia Kennedy

Second Advisor

Dawn Mackiewicz

Third Advisor

Paul Roochnik


The domain of foreign language learning (FLL) is critical to modern education because it allows learners to integrate with the global community in a meaningful way and offers a multitude of advantages to graduates and professionals (Akbar, 2015; Hampel, 2015). The intersection of technology implementation in foreign language education was this study's central area of interest (Carrio Pastor, 2016). This study sought to examine technology implementation in foreign language (FL) classrooms within the context of higher education. The study examined the views, opinions, and beliefs of FL educators about the role of technology in FL education and possible obstacles to technology implementation.

The goal of the study was to accentuate educators' views because they are the main factor in the process of education and are uniquely qualified to make judgments about the role of technology in FL. Two research questions guided the qualitative case study: (1) How do FL educators describe structural issues existing within the context of foreign language teaching that inhibit the implementation of technology? (2) What contributions (improvements, innovations) relative to technology do FL educators perceive as potentially beneficial? To answer these questions, data were collected with semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and the literature review findings. The data analysis process resulted in six primary themes: (1) Technology is a complement to the curriculum, (2) Using technology to reach a broader audience, (3) Using technology in class depends on motivation and expectations, (4) Training as a key issue for educators, (5) The pace of technology development is a key issue, (6) Technology as a factor that limits interaction.

This study found that training appears to be a central point of concern for all respondents, and the evidence from the literature also points to this. Successful technology implementation necessitates institutional emphasis on training and resourcing that would support faculty throughout the process of implementation.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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