"Sheltered English Immersion In Massachusetts: Examining The Reflection" by Rebecca Nault Swasey

Date of Award



© 2021 Rebecca Nault Swasey

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Deborah Jameson

Second Advisor

Dawn Mackiewicz

Third Advisor

Matthew Connors


Educators in Massachusetts have sought to use multiple professional development models to fill the gap of what bilingual programs once provided. A consequence of the 2002 vote indicated that all teachers have the responsibility to teach language to English language learners (ELLs) in Massachusetts. With all this change in federal and state policy, the only modification to the teacher preservice model for career and technical teachers was the addition of one required professional development series on providing sheltered English immersion to ELLs in their vocational-technical programs. However, the current SEI professional development model may not be able to provide for the pedagogical needs of career and technical teachers in Massachusetts.

Preliminary research provided valuable insight and indicated the need for additional studies and highlighted a gap in the research. The study’s research problem was that career and technical teachers of ELLs must implement the prescribed pedagogy of a one-size-fits-all professional development model. Primary studies have suggested that this topic has remained in its infancy and thus requires a more intensive review at the local and national levels. The purpose of this qualitative interpretative phenomenological study was to examine career and technical teachers’ reflections of their perceptions and experiences of implementing the prescribed pedagogy of the mandated one-size-fits-all sheltered English immersion professional development model in Massachusetts. Massachusetts school leaders and educators are held accountable for student growth and progress; therefore, they must answer for a decline in achievement, although many lack adequate training to support their ELLs.


Ed.D. Dissertation
