"The Perceptions Of Former Japanese High School Graduates Regarding Stu" by Ade Oni

Date of Award



© 2022 Ade Oni

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Laura Bertonazzi

Second Advisor

Darren Akerman

Third Advisor

Lane Lambert


This qualitative phenomenological study examined the open-ended interview between the researcher and participants to investigate the perceptions former Japanese high school graduates had as it pertains to the development of student autonomy. One interview was used for each of the four participants in the study. Over a four-week period the transcribed interviews were analyzed and coded. Across all four interviews key themes emerged, including (1) Opinions in High School Classes, (2) Independent Thought While Doing Class Activities, (3) Talk Time Between Teacher and Student, (4) Experience Doing Group Work, (5) Teacher Control in the Classroom, (6) Answering Questions Wrong, and (7) Student Autonomy in High School. The two findings revealed that using lecturing as the mode of teaching creates a lack of student autonomy development. Secondly, the next finding indicated that a passive student does not coincide with that student being autonomous in the classroom. Implications for Japanese high school students suggest that Japanese high school students are more productive when engaged by one another as well as the teacher. Implications for Japanese high school educators indicate that teachers could benefit from using different teaching techniques instead of focusing on teacher-centered learning. Implications for MEXT focus on the need for professional development to help instructors succeed in developing student autonomy. Further research is needed to examine the development of student autonomy in Japanese high school classrooms.


Ed.D. Dissertation
