"Andragogy In Continuing Medical Education Development: A Case Study On" by Elizabeth H. Bennert

Date of Award



© 2022 Elizabeth H. Bennert

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Lori Sanchez

Second Advisor

Sharese Pearson-Bush

Third Advisor

Kristin Johnson


Continuing medical education (CME) curriculum development is often staffed and developed with little exposure to teaching skill expertise and andragogy. This qualitative case study examined the perceptions of the skills needed for successful development of CME, learning from the experience of an international nongovernmental organization (NGO)’s first time developing an online CME course. The questions that guided this study were “What were the team’s perceptions of the skills and roles needed when first designing and developing a CME curriculum? and “How did the experiences of the team, when developing, delivering, and evaluating the program, determine their perceptions of the skills and roles needed for curriculum development for CME?” The population for this study was the primary staff and subject-matter experts, directly involved with the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the NGO’s first course that it had developed. The data collected was from a preinterview survey, individual interviews, and course artifacts. Four specific circumstances shaped the participants final perceptions of the skills needed. They were (a) a lack of institutional experience, (b) educational partner constraints, (c) donor constraints, and (d) misalignment of staff expertise and “bandwidth.” Final determination was that an andragogical expert, as well as a dedicated project management, vision holder, and a marketing expert were essential in this process. Without these experts in place, a course development project risks misalignment to the goals of the course and audience needs, leading to staff burnout and attrition, with lasting damage to those staff.


Ed.D. Dissertation
