"Teacher Leaders’ Perceptions Of Their Influence On The Distributed Lea" by Katherine Susan Garand

Date of Award



© 2016 Katherine Garand

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Steven Moskowitz

Second Advisor

Suzan Nelson

Third Advisor

Scott McCarthy


This interpretive, qualitative study explores the perspectives of teacher leaders within the middle school setting as to how they perceive their role influences the distributed leadership process. Five significant themes, with subthemes emerged from the data as a result of the analysis process. These themes were identified as Leadership style, Empowerment, Social Influence, Commitment and Job Role Confusion. This data allowed the researcher to develop several conclusions, including the need to clarify the specific responsibilities associated with the team leader role and the importance of developing more appropriate professional development opportunities for team leaders, specifically in the areas of team building or leadership strategies and data literacy. Recommendations include revisiting the role of the team leaders in the decision-making process within the distributed leadership team, and evaluating the job role responsibilities in relation to the corresponding level of compensation and allotted work time.


Ed.D. Dissertation
