"A Correlational Study Of Mid-level Managers Examining Emotional Intell" by Christopher Berg

Date of Award



© 2016 Christopher Berg

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Carol L. Holmquist

Second Advisor

Michelle Collay

Third Advisor

Howard Fero


The purpose of this quantitative correlational case study was to explore how mid-level managers’ emotional intelligence, as established through the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal (EIA), correlates with their executive coaching dimensions as revealed by the Extraordinary Coach Self-Assessment (ECSA). This study used the Talentsmart Inc. (EIA) tool to evaluate retail telecommunications (telecom) managers’ emotional intelligence competencies and Zenger Folkman’s (ECSA) tool to evaluate retail telecom managers’ coaching dimensions anonymously through the survey instrument. The need for this specific research is evident because of the limited number of quantitative studies regarding the importance of emotional intelligence and its relationship to coaching in the telecom retail industry. Accordingly, this study sought to provide data to executive leaders within a telecom organization who plan for and implement new developmental concepts into leadership training curriculums. Data in this study was gathered using the Participant De-Identifier Questionnaire (PDQ), which was an online, anonymous questionnaire that captured participants’ demographics. Information was collected and analyzed from the organization after permission to the researcher was granted to collect and use the data. Data for this research was then analyzed using statistical methods. The data analysis determined that the EIA tool revealed that overall emotional intelligence levels for managers were average; while the ECSA tool revealed that no dominant coaching dimension was identified for managers with higher levels of emotional intelligence. The knowledge gained in this study will add to research about emotional intelligence and its effects on coaching as it applies to retail management in the telecom industry.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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