"Students' Perceptions Of Leadership Skills Gained At A County College" by Kevin R. Dalina

Date of Award



© 2016 Kevin Dalina

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Michelle Collay

Second Advisor

Suzan Nelson

Third Advisor

Terri Orosz


Many colleges offer leadership programs or multiple ways students can develop leadership skills like participation in student clubs or working on campus. Institutions do not always assess or evaluate where or how students learn leadership skills. This dissertation study investigated what leadership skills students are learning and where they learn them at a county college located in Central New Jersey. This study employed qualitative research methods where 9 students who participated were a sample of 45 students who participated in the county college’s leadership development program. The 9 students first participated in a focus group interview about what leadership skills they were learning through participation in different activities. Students then participated in a one-on-one interview where they explained where they were learning what skills they developed. Interview questions reflected Kouzes and Posner’s (2012) Leadership Practices and Commitments which was the conceptual framework for the study. Interviews were transcribed and coded to find themes. The research found four types of leadership skills students were learning including 1) Communication, 2) Confidence, 3) Encouragement, and 4) Teamwork. Each theme had four subtopics that informed these themes. This study demonstrated the importance of students becoming involved on campus by either working or participating in clubs so they can develop leadership skills.


Ed.D. Dissertation
