"Elementary Students’ And Teachers’ Perceptions Of Flipped Mathematics " by Susan Grace Edwards Mosher

Date of Award



© 2016 Susan Mosher

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Steven Moskowitz

Second Advisor

Tarae Waddell-Terry

Third Advisor

Danielle Donnini


Flipped learning is a pedagogical model that allows more time for students to engage in active learning in the classroom because direct instruction is moved to video and watched outside of class time. Although many studies have shown the effectiveness of this strategy, previous perceptional studies have primarily focused on flipped learning through the lens of high school students and adult learners. This study was designed to explore elementary students’ and teachers’ perceptions of flipped learning in mathematics. A descriptive qualitative case study was conducted in a suburban elementary school in North Carolina. Three fifth grade teachers and fifteen of their students were interviewed about their experiences after participating in flipped mathematics lessons. The study’s conceptual framework was rooted in constructivist theory and concentrated on student engagement, twenty-first-century learners’ use of technology, and the acclimatization of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Insights gained from the data described how students viewed their own mathematical learning in a flipped lesson format, as well as teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of the flipped format and the effects it had on their students’ mathematical learning compared to a traditional format. Data analysis of teacher and student data revealed (1) a preference for the flipped format, (2) the perception that increased active learning benefited student learning, (3) an increase in student ownership of learning, and (4) that the video lectures were valuable to review math content. Students also described an appreciation for the increased personal learning time with the teacher and more positive parental involvement during homework time. Furthermore, teachers felt the flipped format made them more flexible in their teaching. They noticed an increase in positive learning culture in their classrooms, emphasized the importance of intentional planning while using the flipped format, and noted the need for support and resources for implementing flipped learning at the elementary level. Recommendations for action included: (1) provide resources and support for elementary educators implementing flipped learning, (2) increase student-centered active learning, and (3) inform stakeholders, including parents, of the benefits of and plan to implement flipped learning before implementation begins. This research has implications for the increased use of the flipped model in mathematics at the elementary level.


Ed.D. Dissertation
